Stacking The Shelves #24
Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week.
Inspired by TST IMMs' posts.
I've got approved on Netgalley for some galleys and I received an amazing gift and I also got another book for review because, ladies and gentlemen; You're looking at the new guest reviewer for Paranormal Book Club :D So excited, I've never guest reviewed. Never. I might have been a guest here and there meaning I've been a guest on 2 or 3 blogs haha but shush! I LOOOOVED being a guest specially when the blog inviting you is a hUgE one.
Anyway, I hope I do good and enough of that already, let's see the pretties.
Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week
With All My Soul by Rachel Vincent -Soul Screamers #7-
Yes this is my second copy of the book but only because one showed up before this one... I thought it lost but I'm so incredibly happy that I now own 2 copies of one of my favorite books ever read by my eyes! Thanks so much to my bookAngel Nat for this one!
Lives of Magic by Lucy Leiderman
The Silver Chain by Primula Bond -Unbreakable Trilogy #1-
For My Kindle
Burn Bright by Marianne de Pierres -Night Creatures #1-
Angel Arias by Marianne de Pierres -Night Creatures #2-
Shine Light by Marianne de Pierres -Night Creautres #3-
All the Night Creatures books I got for free on amazon :D
Delayed Penalty by Shey Stahl -Crossing The Line #1-
Frost by Kate Avery Ellison -The Frost Chronicles #1-
And I got so many more it'd be impossible for me to post them here. Imagine me with a $30 amazon gift-card on the amazon-kindle store.
Yeap, that happened.
For Review
Our Souls to Keep by Gary Caruso -Our Souls To Keep #1-
My very first read as a guest reviewer.
I'm so happy I got some new additions to my shelves be them digital or physical.
What new books are stalking YOUR shelves this week?
$30 amazon gift-card?! wow! that's a lot of books!!! congrats Alba & enjoy reading your haul this week :)