-review- Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown

-"I want you to play with her. Be nice. Show her things. Let her have a good time. Keep her out past dinner."-

Lies Beneath by Anne Greenwood Brown is one of those books that you pick up being all wary about them but...when read... You take a minute and wonder how in the clouds you ever doubted of reading it in the first place.

When I started reading the book I had only vaguely read the description, as I'm not such a fan of that. But there HAD to be a reason for me to request it on NG right?

Calder White was all kinds of creepy, scary but managing to be vulnerable and cocky. I loved his character! Every interaction he had with his sisters gave me the creeps. And talking about his sisters...
Why is it that every single time you let your guard down, is the one time that the enemy decides to strike? I've always wondered that. Maris was the one and only sister who managed to scare the pants out of me while also making me agree with her, even if she was sick and obsessed. Pavati was a really quiet yet fundamental character and Tallulah? ~shivers~ I'll just say... she was... WOW... just simply WOW!

-She slept more peacefully than anyone I'd ever seen-a stark contrast to my sisters' restless slumber. I wondered if this was the peace that forgiveness brought.-

Have I ever told you about my love for male POV?? Well if you didn't know I'm more than happy to let you know. The story is told from Calder's pov, we see how he struggles with his own semi/nature to decide between what he knows he has to do and what he knows is the right thing to do... They're almost never the same :'(

And Lily and Sophie and their family made me stay warm throughout the whole cold weather that the book was.
Her love of the water, her slight suspicions of things lurking under it, everything, worked wonders to make her meeting Calder one of the most un-random encounters EVER!. Because when reality mixes with fantasy there is not knowing what will happen next, there exists no safety, no trust... no air?

-"... Forgiveness is freedom... Now that I think about it-in some ways, it's kind of a selfish act."-

The story is thrilling, creepy, somewhat scary yet romantic, sweet, real, raw and so very very GOOD.
You'll want to know, you'll want to guess, you'll want to try and breathe water... but you'll never EVER want  it to stop.

What's the price you're willing to pay for the right thing to be done? Would you sacrifice your life? Your love? Your freedom? Your nature? Your family?
But... what exactly is freedom... or family for that matter.

-"... Once he's in the water, we can all take part in dragging him down. We can all get our justice that way. Short and sweet. Done. ..."

I love water, I love cold, and I love male povs'... love that ending...leaving so many possibilities open for your imagination to run wild!
And everything put together is what Lies Beneath has in store for you!

I give this book

5fotitos=~sobs hard~too good to be true!

-review based on an ARC received via Netgalley-

Side Note-> The author said on an interview that the next book will be told form Lily's pov. How exciting!!!


  1. I LOVE reading from the male POV!!! I love your review - content and design.



    1. ^_____^ ~high fives~ nothing tops that... oh well... reading from a HOT male's POV hehehe :D

      Lol thanks, I never tend to stick to an order. But usually people know that my reviews are like a chronicle of my persona while reading the book. I almost never write any summary or what the plot's about... :( I'm terrified of spoiling... so I rather not touch that heheeh :D

      Thanks for stopping by!


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