-rookie review- Hunger by Jackie Morse Kessler

[Non edited]
Really hard-sad-happy-tear-filled story...
I started this book not so sure if I would be able to enjoy it let alone finish it. But ended up so captured in the story of Lisa that I couldn't decide wether to laugh or be mad at her.
She struggles definitely completely fights with herself to be THIN!!ugh!!
the way Kessler put this story into words left me wondering if there could be an answer to all o
f our problems that could be that simple and yet because of its simpleness we don't see it 'cause we're always thinking that the answer to all of our problems have to be BY FACT difficult and hard to reach.
So seeing this girl fighting with anorexia thinking that it's her againts the world, that she alone has the BIGGEST problem of the universe, realize that when she is neglecting herself to EAT to be HEALTHY there are people all around the world dying for that pice of lettuce she just threw up...
A really down-to-earth yet magic-filled story of anorexia and the hardships that it brings when settled on a person's daily life.
Kessler not just approaches anorexia but hunger at the same time...completely filling and giving meaning to the tittle of the book!!

I give this book
5fotitos=~Sobs hard~Too good to be true!

April 8th 2011


  1. Replies
    1. I JUST read this review, seriously my grammar stunk, still stinks hahaha. I didn't have a review site when I wrote this. But thanks :D
      I LOVE the cover too! Have you read it?

  2. She is coming to sign next month and I have to look into this series, not sure though about it.

    1. What?? Really?? oh my GOD girl you always get the most awesome authors there!!!
      I say, if you like a really REAL problem developed with a fantasy filled story... give it a go. This is definitely like nothing you've ever read before. Trust me.


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