Stacking The Shelves #17 -Dilemmas-

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews. Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week.
Inspired by TST IMMs' posts.

Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week


You know... There comes a time when you think the world is ending because something extraordinarily weird happened...

But then... there comes a time when you're 99.9% sure that the world has INDEED ended because what happened is most likely impossible -_-

Well my beautiful people... The latter is what I felt when I went to a local bookstore and saw... BOOKS actual YA books that while not new releases, you might as well treat them as that since they take MILLIONS of days to even bring one!! LET ALONE ALL THE ONES I SAW!!!! T____T

I wanted to take them all!! Because of course this miracle came with a catch... and that's... They ALWAYS ALWAYS bring so FEW!! As in one or at the most... 2 copies of each book which, if you ask me, is kind of ridiculous but whatever... I'm happy I found them first!!


And nope... There is NO vlog today because,
1. I'm still recovering from a very nasty cold... You really really don't want to know. Trust me.
2. Something really sad happened this week... And me being me I wouldn't have been able to leave it out of my ever-present ramblings on camera so... I would have either gotten too mad, too angry, too teary... Too -insert negative sentiment here along with a sad one...-

So I opted out-JUST THIS WEEK-in favor of pictures! Because you know I also love me my pictures from time to time :D

So here it goes!!! :D

-Angel's Blood by Nalini Singh [Guild Hunter #1]
-Archangel's Kiss by Nalini Singh [Guild Hunter #2]

-WHAT! Lol this weren't actually a new addition on the store... Only Archangel's kiss... And to be truthful... This are my sisters' but so far I've paid them so... It's got to count plus... She's only into this genre and... I like to spoil her whenever I can! Who has read these?? Recommend?-
Also... How do you even pronounce this author's name? -blush- I really don't know T_T

Next up...

-What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah Dessen

-I'm so sorry for the low quality of the pictures... I kind of was in a rush to show you guys :D Anyway, oh clouds! See??!!! I am SUCH a HUGE HUGE fan of Sarah Dessen's books and writing and everything so I couldn't just see it there and not buy it, right?
 I still cannot CANNOT believe they had this book!! Even though it released like ages ago!! It really was on the -new additions- section... Which is kind of sad if you think about it BUT I sooo don't care... Look at my new pretty!! =huggles=

Next up...

-Unraveling by Elizabeth Norris
-Carnival of Souls by Melissa Marr

-WHAT!? WHAT?!!!!! REALLY!!!! I shall die a happy woman now!!! Unraveling!!! This is as close to a NEW RELEASE as this store will ever get!!! See the PRETTY!!!!!! ARGH!!!! I've read so many mixed things about this one... But... I read that one particular person liked it so I have a good feeling...

And... Melissa Marr!!!!! T_T I've only ever read Wicked Lovely... as in the first book of the series... But I FELL IN LOVE with the writing, the characters, setting!! Everything so I am really really looking forward to this one!!

Now... for Carnival of Souls I have a... confession... 
1. It's the International Edition... You know how picky I am when it comes to my books... And I'm definitely NOT a fan of international editions... They don't have any bonus material and the covers almost always, NOT all the time, come kind of plain... either in shinny or mate effects and that's it... But I am so very glad it even made it here I won't complain now... Just putting it out here... (Sarah Dessen's book is also an international edition.) AND
2. AHHHHH As I said... they had a lot of new additions on the shelves... And I saw... DEFIANCE by  C.J. Redwine... It was soo hard to just pick one in between those 2... specially because I didn't own any... And I really wanted both of them... AND oh god... So I HAD to read the descriptions... And... this one won out... only by a thread... But now... I soo soooooooo need to go back to the store and bring with me the other pretty because, well... I just HAVE to! They only had one copy! ONE COPY! Which if you ask me is blasphemous but well... I can't do anything but cross my fingers and go back... -

There you go...

The pretties that'll be stacking MY shelves this week!!

What books will be stalking YOUR shelves this week?


  1. Ooo, Sarah Dessen's books are supposed to be really good! I've never read any myself, but many blogging friends have loved her books.

    Unraveling is such a great book! Definitely one of the most original ones I read last year.

    And I got Carnival of Souls a couple of weeks ago - I haven't have the chance to read it yet. I didn't like Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series, but this series with Carnival of Souls is a different one, so I'm willing to give it a whirl.

    Defiance by C.J. Redwine - that's MY type of book! I have it, and it's sitting at the BOTTOM of my reading pile next to my bed (I got it in September!). I really should read it - the genre is my favorite.

    I hope you enjoy all of these books! And feel better! There's a nasty flu going around the U.S. - I hope that's not what you have!

    Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

    1. <3333
      You should read SDessen's books!! Trust me!

      I can't wait to read Unraveling!!


      I need Defiance then!! T_T

      Thank you!!!
      I'm not in the US though hehehehe.

  2. I've heard about Unraveling! I love the cover too. Looks like you got a good haul this week and your enthusiasm for reading really shines through. Happy reading!!

    1. ME too!!!! :D

      I did!!! I'm so stoked!!

      Awww-blush- Thank you!!!!!
      Thank you!!!

  3. Oooh, pretty stack! I should read Nalini Singh soon, I've heard so many great hings about her books.
    Hope you get better soon!
    Here is my StS post.

    1. Thanks!! And me too!! I've only read her book-Slave to Temptation and it was AMAZING!-


  4. Yay for all those pretty books! And so glad there are books in the bookstore this week! I still have to finish watching your vlogs from last week's StS! You have a TON of books to read Alba. Super jealous!

    1. -drops dead-
      You're on my blog

      You SHOULD catch up Rachelita... You should...tsk tsk -_-


  5. Yay for awesome books. Nalingh Singh's books are awesome. Sorry to hear about your nasty cold. I just had one as well. Nice haul indeed.


    1. Thanks!!! Thanks for recommending then :D

      Argh I'm still sick :( it stinks!!!

      Thank you!

  6. What Happened to Goodbye and Unraveling are books I've been wanting to read for awhile. I hope you enjoy all your goodies. Happy reading :)

  7. Well I am a HUGE Wicked Lovely fan! Niall!!!! *sigh* You must have the rest. Ink Exchange is my favorite. Maybe you could catch up and read Darkest Mercy with Rachel in her series ending challenge. *wink*
    I don't yet have Carnival of Souls. I'm anxious to get my hands on her new series with Kelley Armstrong.
    Also want to get a hold of Nalini's books.
    Indeed a good haul. Enjoy!

    1. I know!! You've told me tons of times and I still fail you!! I NEED to read Ink Exchange!! T_T

      Me too!!! argh!!!!

      You should! I've read -Slave to Temptation :D- it's good!


  8. Great haul.

    I currently have Unraveling on my ever expanding To Read pile. (One of the risks of reading everyone else's haul posts).

    Enjoy your reads.

    1. Thanks!!!!!

      -Hope you get to it soon!! I hope me too hehehe.-

      Thank you.

  9. I've read some of Sarah Dessen's books and really liked them, enjoy!!

  10. Unraveling is fantastic! I loved it, really good and different.

    Carnival of Souls I didn't like it that much, but I'm part of the very few..I think is just setting the entire world and idea for the rest of the series.

    I hate my bookstore!! Yours is awesome and bring lovely and NEW and YA books T_T so jealous.

    1. Yay!! Then I'm definitely excited!!!

      O_O Really? We'll see how it goes for me then.

      T_T Don't get your hopes up... Mine was just like a strike of luck or something :D


  11. I totally get what you mean 'cause my bookstore just got Divergent and Delirium series. So squee for Unraveling and Carnival of Souls. I actually wanted to buy Carnival of Souls when I saw it but I really have no idea what it is about or if I'd like it except how good it is. So I didn't. Let me know how you like it. Also, I really hope you get Defiance!

    Ha ha Nalini Singh is pronounced like N-ah-l-ih-n-ee Sing (h is silent. I hope you get what I mean =D

    Here's my Book Haul post.

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

    1. -sigh-
      Good to know I'm not alone on that department.

      I will!!! :D about CoS
      I hope to get Defiance too!!

      ;D <333


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