-Review- The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa

Goodreads Shortie:
Allison Sekemoto has vowed to rescue her creator, Kanin, who is being held hostage and tortured by the psychotic vampire Sarren. The call of blood leads her back to the beginning—New Covington and the Fringe, and a vampire prince who wants her dead yet may become her wary ally.

My ThoughtsÂż?

I think this book is the only book published this year that has completely blown my mind. As in, Idon'tknowwhattodowithmylifenowthatI'vefinished kind of blown...

I can't even form into words what this book made me feel, do, tear up about, scream for... Seriously.

I've tried for a month or so, to sit down and simply go ahead and write my review.

And even now, there still aren't enough words. I said so to the author on twitter, I was left an awful mess on the floor. And I really am hoping for a third book because, after how things ended in this one... There is absolutely NO possibility of me living a normal life if I don't know what happens next.

I can't even come up with all the passages of the book I loved because that'll entail writing the whole thing down over here and as you may know, that's illegal.

I'm Team Allie!!!
I fell in love all over again, that's for sure. I'm 100% sure I fell in love while at the same time feeling completely creeped out. I loved Zeke even more than I did in the first book. I came to like a character I NEVER in a million lifetimes would have imagined I'd like... But if I tell you the name of said character... I'd kind of be spoiling you the surprise so... Suffice it to say... I was shocked.

And of COURSE... Kanin, the love of my life. I missed him dearly dearly... And now... I don't! Because this book is full of all-things-Kanin and I have none other than the amazing Julie Kagawa to thank for that.

I can't write this without acknowledging that, Sarren, for all intents and purposes... Raisd the hairs on the back of my neck EVERY single time he showed up.

But whatever you think this book has, contains, will make you feel. It is THAT but so much more. So very much more.

A book that'll keep you on the edge of your sit since the very beginning, that'll raise goosebumps, and make you cry with all your might.
I already miss all the characters.

Thank you Julie Kagawa for writing in such an exquisite way that depicted excellently the terrible and horrible of this world you have created.

I give this book, BookPics special rating.

10special-fotitos(special rating for over-the-top-I'll-never-get-over-this book) =
I cried for things I didn't know possible I was capable of.

-review based on galley provided by the publisher via Netgalley-

I'm sorry I wasn't very creative in writing my review. But I mean it when I say, speechless is an understatement of how I felt after I read this masterpiece of a book.


  1. I'm all about Jackal. Kanin is great but Jackal is the one for me. I too can't wait for the next one!

    1. I have to admit... Jackal ALMOSt made me go completely TEAMJACKAL on him... but then Kaning did his awesome thing, being him and BOOM I loved him all over again :D

      Thanks for stopping by girl.


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