No Strings Attached by Candy Caine

Two passionate stories of women finding love when they least expect it... Never is Not Forever Claudia Brown has the perfect life, full of all the trappings of success. She has put herself through school and has worked hard to become the youngest English department chairperson at a prestigious ivy-league university. One trap she swears to avoid is marriage—a sure-fire way to constrain her career. Besides, she likes playing the field. But when Claudia realizes her biological clock is a ticking time bomb, she decides to have a baby—minus the attachment of the father. After a meticulous search she finds the perfect specimen: Robert Sterling, a smart, sexy, fellow professor. But she doesn’t factor in the one thing that can derail her entire campaign—falling in love with the sperm donor! Forever Yours When Jade Green meets successful trial lawyer, Charles Trotter, she finds herself relaxing in the warmth of his smiles and his off-beat humor. Best of all, even though h...