-review- Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo

"Know that I loved you," she said to the Darkling.
"Know that it was not enough."

That took a while... 20 days to be exact. 
But I'm happy to announce it was worth sticking to it. I got hit by a major reading slump in the middle of reading this so I had to take long long breaks... 

Either way, while pretty predictable and kind of an anticlimactic ending I still enjoyed it.

My favorite parts were definitely the 'Before' & 'After' additions that were in all three books in the trilogy. 

They were perfect, introducing and then ending the story. And the 'After' or was it 'Now' lol either way the last part was one of my favorites of the entire trilogy, it even made me cry which was something I thought this book wouldn't be able to... And you know me and my love for books making me cry, if I cry it means I loved the book so of COURSE that small little part of writing made up for all the slow pace and things I didn't enjoy.

"You move forward, and when you falter, you get up. And when you can't, you let us carry you. You let me carry you."

That and the big deaths. They were there and then they weren't, just like that. 
And if Alexander, the mere mention of a name plus the ending made me cry then the author definitely did something right. 

What I take from the three books is this, Leigh Bardugo loves killing her characters, randomly and without previous warnings. 


4=genious crying.
