-thoughts- Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas (ToG #5)

⚔️⛓ Nameless is my price ⛓⚔️

I finished EoS today at probably 2:00am(September 9th) and... I'm practically a shell walking, that book completely tore me apart. I'm not talking about heartbreak I'm talking about complete annihilation of a person by words.

I kid you not, I haven't stopped thinking about the book for the entire day. It slips into my mind when I least expect it to so I feel a really bad book-hangover coming or a reading slump.
Either way, I simply cannot cope, cannot deal, and I'm just so so so broken.

That's it people. I have been broken by words yet again. As if Strange The Dreamer wasn't enough of a torture or Eleventh Grave In Moonlight (review coming soon!) with their endings now here comes Sarah J. Maas and just quite literally proceeded to kill me... in a way that I felt was exquisite at times when in reality it was just a distraction for that so awaited final blow. She didn't disappoint.

Thanks for death by words dear author, thank you very much.

I give this book 10/5

(special rating for over-the-top-I'll-never-get-over-this book) =
I cried for things I didn't know possible I was capable of.

