Bookography #9

Bookography is a post created by Kristina from Kristina's World of Books. Where you can combine both of my very favorite things in the world. Photography & Books ;) So grab a camera and do your thing. You don't have to be a professional or anything like that. Just share your love of books through a picture and that's it ;)
-She usually posts them on wednesdays~ 
So make sure you stop by her blog and share the love!

I went a little romantic today. -SHOCKER- hahaha And decided to share this picture that I shared when I did the post about my country -HERE- but I know not many of you saw. So, I made it a bookography instead and added the quote as always.
Without further ado I present you -drum roll-,
Today's Bookography

-remember, click the image for a larger view-
-Someone picked up the sun and pinned it to the sky again, but every day it hangs a little lower than the day before. It's like a negligent parent who only knows one half of who you are. It never sees how its absence changes people. How different we are in the dark.-
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

As for the picture, I didn't edit much, just made the colors a little clearer.
Again, you know how I love non-edited nature pictures.
Plus, Shatter Me was one mind blowing book! If you haven't read it-thanks Rachel for that-make sure you do! It's all kinds of AMAZING.


  1. Beautiful Alba and the perfect quote to match it!

    I still have yet to do any sunset photos. I haven't had any good settings as the back drop.

  2. @Kristina
    Thank you so much!!! hehehe I LOVED that quote!

    :O Well I hope you get to do some soon!! I hate a lot of sunset pictures, maybe I should start with sunrise? lol :D


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