Stacking The Shelves #23 I Don't Think I Bought THAT many. Right?

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. Inspired by TST IMMs' posts. ************* I've been saving. A LOT. To buy some books via book depo since the bookstores here apparently don't love me as much as I thought they did. But then I remembered, wait a minute... I haven't visited a bookstore in like 2 or 3 months... So maybe there's this slim chance that they have something new. Though I seriously didn't get my hopes THAT high. I visited one of the 2 that exist here, and that bookstore is kind of famous for bringing new tittles from time to time but I also know them as the ones with the WORST PRICING CHOICE EVER... If a book's supposed to be (as said on the back of said book) lets say, $8.99 I'm all for them raising it a bit higher... let's say... $11.00 or something... But nope, these guys think I'm an idiot or something....