~Author Interview~ Tabitha Suzuma author of Forbidden

Today the lovely Tabitha Suzuma is visiting my blog~sorry for the lack of posts lately but I'm really behind on my reading! I promise I'll make up for it soon~ She's the author of the amazing-heart-wrenching-impossible-love-story Forbidden wich I reviewed already HERE . Hope you enjoy the interview and leave your thoughts on the comments section Thanks Tabitha for stopping by BookPics! hope you enjoy ;) BP: First and foremost, when or how did you find out you wanted to become a writer? I was six years old when I declared to my mother I would become a writer when I grew up. Then I stuck a picture on the cover of an exercise book and started writing a story about a blind boy. I absolutely loved reading and I wanted to be able to create my own stories. BP: Now, I really have to tell you WOW, what an amazing book you wrote. I couldn’t keep away from it, even if it meant crying and suffering, but I was wondering how did you come up with the tittle FORBIDDEN? How did you no...