Stacking The Shelves #25 (5 Months' Worth of Books)

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. Inspired by TST IMMs' posts After a year and a half it seems, I'm inspired enough to write about all my new books hehehe. I can't believe it! I'm slowly but surely coming back to blogging and it feels amazing!! Now for my books... I haven't been able to get ahold of much physical books lately but I've been one-clicking the hell of some others! I can't help myself, especially when eBooks deals are concerned. Here's a list of -most- of the books I've gotten this year. Hopefully next post will be all about weekly new additions if I'm blessed enough to get to buy new books weekly that is lol >_< The number of -> show my rating on the book. Here's what will be stacking my shelves this week ************* Phyisical Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard (Thank you NAT!!) ...