-review/thoughts- Hushed by Kelley York

-The apartment was silent. Not the sort of silence when one was home alone, but the smothering silence that followed death. An all-encompassing, heavy feeling.- This is what happens when someone somewhere writes a book. Make that an amazing breathtakingly painful/amazing book. And then...I read it. I am left utterly and completely shocked out of my shoes. I am left begging for more story. I am left begging for more pages to appear out of thin air just to know what happens next and next and next. Kelley, with this book- Hushed -I can tell you I love you till the ends of ends. My heart constricted more times that I cared to count. I fell in love with not one but two guys. I want to keep them so bad it hurts. You made me remember some really painful memories of my life with the only difference that now I don't feel how I used to. Empty-alone-guilty-lonely-not good enough. -Maybe she could learn what it was like to always be left behind.- How can I even begi...