Bookography #3

Bookography is a post created by Kristina from Kristina's World of Books . Where you can combine both of my very favorite things in the world. Photography & Books ;) So grab a camera and do your thing. You don't have to be a professional or anything like that. Just share your love of books through a picture and that's it ;) -She usually posts them on wednesdays~ So make sure you stop by her blog and share the love! This is my picture for this week: -...the world, the city, and all its lights and life seemed to have narrowed down to this, just her and Jace, the burning heart of a frozen world.- City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare I think the quote says everything. I took this picture last year while the lights had gone out at my house due to a storm, couldn't be any happier with the shot. I slightly edited it, it was all in the contrast and the mate frame which I changed to orange.