-COVER REVEAL- Before I Wake by Rachel Vincent

It's been so long since I did one of these, but this time I couldn't help myself. It's Rachel Vincent and the Soul Screamers after all! I present you Before I Wake (Book #6 in the Soul Screamers series) *-if you click the image it'll take you to it's goodreads description-* I know Rachel isn't too fond of the color Pink but let me tell you..this cover kicks *behinds* I love it! I still am surprised they have kept on going with the girl in the cover...~sighs~ all the covers of her books are so pretty >.< Why the GREEN color you ask? Because the previous books' cover ROCKED BIG time too and I still haven't gotten over it! I can just imagine how they will all look together on my shelves *-* can't wait! What do you Think of the cover beautiful people???