-review- Silver by Talia Vance

Goodreads shortie: Brianna has always felt invisible. People stare right past her, including the one boy she can't resist, Blake Williams. But everything changes at a house party where Brianna's charm bracelet slips off and time stands still. In that one frozen, silver moment, Blake not only sees her, he recognizes something deep inside her she's been hiding even from herself. ****** The characters-scenery: I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved each and every single character in this book. I've rummaged through all my mind and vocabulary and I've come up empty-handed. Whether I was reading a scene with Brianna or with Blake, with Austin or with Chelsea, with Joe or with Haley. I am truly at a loss. ALL the characters made me feel, ALL characters inspired emotions. Whether I was laughing or crying or cursing- yes, this book made me curse people T_T and I don't curse at all! I'm even surprised I knew how! -or smiling or ...