Cover Obsession #17

Cover Obsession is a feature here on BookPics . -I really don't know if anyone else does it as I do but I'm not trying to steal any other ideas out there- In which I tell you what new book covers I'm completely in love with, pinning for, drooling over, tearing-up over, going all OH CLOUD! on and all the other AMAZING-FANTASTIC-AWESOME-BOOKPIC-LY verbs and adjectives and adverbs you can think of that just simply aren't enough to describe how I feel towards said covers so, I just go ahead and OBSESS over them :D ---------------------------------------- Guys, you know what the problem is when I go ahead and wait to have several covers to showcase here? That I think publishers gather their heads together in order to melt my heart and mind... Have you been near the internet lately? Have you seen just how many covers have been released? How many redone? And the UK/US/AUS and sometimes some other internationals, covers that come out as w...