Stacking the Shelves #12 [2 month's worth of books!]

Stacking The Shelves is hosted by Tynga's Reviews . Where you can post all the books that you're adding to your shelves each week. ************* Jesus Christ in the heavens and clouds! MY BEAUTIFUL AMAZING PEOPLE!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN BOOKPIC-ers? Hope it's all well and warm over where you are! Getting tons of reading done and buying books every now and then! As for me... Life's been kind of hard with me and my family but we're copping... Subject change needed there... The thing is... I was just about to record my amazing Birthday Stacking the Shelves edition when tragedy struck and well I was a mess back then and I couldn't keep the vlog rolling... ANYWAY. Now it's been a month and some after that and here I am... Finally back to tire you to death with all my rambling vlogs! -Giving you a sneak peek here- -Yeap, that's how much I'll talk on the video...- So... without anything more to add except a big crushing...