~Oooooh! books you have a new home!~
My mom and dad decided to surprise me a couple of nights ago and brought me a shelf for my long suffered books that were always stacked on boxes but NO MORE! I love it even though it's not from wood and that BUT it's almost full so I know I'll be getting another one once we move out of this house... hopefully hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later :D Everything started out great... one cube at a time and stuff, as you can see in the pic we managed(WE meaning my sisters and I)to make the first cube perfectly nice and fast but after that everything went downhill hahaha it was fun don't worry. So, of course I had to take out every printed book I owned and clean and order them... CHAOS! After seeing this I couldn't believe I had this much books I drived myself crazy with happiness! I tried, and failed, to count them :D I arranged them And re-arrange them tons of times to take pictures haha I couldn't stop staring at them.... haha sooo proud of my ...